All posts by Tracy
Bill Brinkley Recommends
I may have mentioned this to some of you previously. I recently read this book, Love, Midgie, and want to recommend it to all AJ grads from “back in the day.” Much of the story takes place in the Old Springfield neighborhood that we all knew so well. And so many other landmarks that brought back memories–from the Springfield swimming pool to the old St. Luke’s Hospital where many of us were born. Written by a talented and accomplished author, Faith R Connors is the wife of Tracy Daniel Connors (class of ’57). The intriguing story is based on the life of Tracy’s mother. An added bonus is all the old photos and authentic postcards included in the book. I think you can find ordering info on their website Check it out!
Midgie’s Springfield Neighborhood: a video tour

Love, Midgie Reader’s Guide
Reader’s Guide enhances Love, Midgie learning experience and adds fun for younger readers.

Download Love, Midgie Reader’s Guide:
The “Reader’s Guide” for Love, Midgie has been completed and posted.
Author Faith Connors explained that she completed the guide to add more fun for young readers as they explore the book.
The Guide includes summaries of each chapter, vocabulary, word searches, puzzles, web-based resources, and discussion questions.
Reading teachers and parents has new resources and tools, including:
Book talk: introduce Love, Midgie to your students.
Synopsis of what happens in each chapter.
Pre-reading activities for chapters.
Thematic connections.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Language Arts
Use of Language
Florida History
Social Studies
Cultural Connections
Focus Activity
Download your complimentary copy of the Love, Midgie Reader’s Guide here.